Pain Relief for Dogs and Cats in Richmond
At Skipworth Veterinary Clinic in Richmond, keeping pets healthy is our highest priority, but minimizing pain is also important, because your pet deserves to be comfortable and capable of moving around without difficulty. Dr. Skipworth is more than happy to offer pain management and pain relief for dogs and cats recovering from surgery or experiencing back pain, muscle pain, arthritis, or other discomforts resulting from disease or injury. Before we can settle on a treatment, however, we will need to examine your pet to identify the cause of their pain.
Book an appointment for your pet by calling (859) 623-0008 or using the online form!
Knowing When Your Pet Is in Pain
Pets will instinctively try to conceal their pain, but there are certain signs you can look for if you are uncertain. These can include:
- Limping
- Pet seems slow or reluctant to stand up
- Sensitive to touch
- Walking tentatively with arched back
- Swelling of the joints
- Difficulty climbing stairs and/or jumping
- Vocalizations/whimpering

Increasing Your Dog or Cat’s Comfort Level
If your pet is showing signs of pain, call to schedule an examination at (859) 623-0008. Your veterinarian will want to know what symptoms you’ve observed and how your pet is behaving. We will take into account the level of pain they are experiencing, assess their current condition, and evaluate overall health to determine the most effective pain management option. We also need to make sure your pet is not taking any other medications that could interfere with the pain medication your veterinarian may want to prescribe.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, may be recommended. NSAIDs not only decrease pain, but can also reduce fever and inflammation. Additional cat and dog pain relief and management options may include steroids or opioids.
Get In Touch with Us
Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to give your pet any painkillers you keep at home. Tylenol, Advil, and Aleve, which contain ibuprofen, can cause vomiting, diarrhea, liver and kidney dysfunction or failure, and even death. We ask that you call our animal hospital at (859) 623-0008 or book an appointment online if you have any questions about painkillers or need to seek treatment for your pet; our team would be glad to assist you.